Sunday, June 2, 2019

Community Wildcats that CARE! June 7, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions for the LAST day of school, June 7, 2019!! Who is excited for Summer Vacation?!  It's almost here, right?  This has been a PAWsome school year, hasn't it!  

Mrs. Sheima has three very important things I want you ALL to remember over the summer!  Here they are!

1) YOU are unique,
2) YOU are important, and
3) YOU are wonderfully made!

I want you all to know that it has been a beautiful school year and Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima have really enjoyed the chance to come and present PAWsitive Actions for you!  You each make our school and community a great place to grow up.  So that you won't forget how special you are, let's say it together!  Ready?.....Here we go:

1) I am unique,
2) I am important, and
3) I am wonderfully made!

If you are wondering what we will be doing over the summer, find us online!  I will miss each of you and thought it may be fun to meet online for a story; so, if you miss us too, you can find us with our PAWsitive Partners every Tuesday at 7:30 here:

And, remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


And now, for the first ever broadcast of The Cougar News and our final vlogcast for PAWsitive Actions, join Mrs. Elmore's 3rd graders and fill our halls with song!  Yes!  I want to hear your beautiful voices from each classroom singing "The Golden Rule"

WES Wildcats that are KIND
can change the world!
Be KIND and Be SAFE this summer!

Visit us online every Tuesday for storytime!
Here is the link for summer fun:
Tucked-In Tuesdays

June 6, 2019, Raise the Roof....

...on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, June 6, 2019! For today, we have a surprise for you!

As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word(s):


Tell your teacher what you think the word "CONFIDENCE" means. 
"a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities"

CONFIDENCE.  What does "CONFIDENCE" look like? Today's video takes a look at a whole bunch of students describing "confidence."  

Watch this video:

Now, it's YOUR turn.  What do YOU think CONFIDENCE is?  Tell your teacher something you are confident in doing?  

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where positive actions start with...


WES Wildcats that are CONFIDENT  
can change the world!

Join us for Summer Fun at this link:

June 5, 2019, Video Vlog Vednesday

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, June 5, 2019!  On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary School.  

For today, we have a surprise for you!

Mrs. Hott and I created a "WSIS Virtual Tour!" featuring our family of third grade fabulous teachers!  From the pick-up line to the gymnasium, join us for a little walk-about, and discover where your future teacher's classrooms are located, lunch is served, or....even where outside recess is!  Listen to current 3rd graders share "words of wisdom" about all the exciting and fun times they have learning at Warm Springs Intermediate School.  And, if you are feeling a little nervous about the change, just log on to our Positive Action YouTube Channel over the summer and watch again!  (You can message us anytime!)

Here we go......!

Another video takes a look at a student who is positive when they are CONFIDENT.  I imagine we have a few student dancers at school getting ready for their end of year recitals, right?  YOU are going to LOVE this super cute video for sure!

Confidence means:  "a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation and trust of one's own abilities or qualities" 

Each of YOU have done amazing things this year at school!  The knowledge and skills your teachers have given you will help you be successful not just in school (or academics) but also in your communities (socially and with friends). 

Maybe you are finishing school work for your teacher,...have CONFIDENCE that you will do you best.  Maybe you are participating in spring sports,...have CONFIDENCE in your skills.  Or, maybe you are dancing in an upcoming recital,...have CONFIDENCE that all your hard work and training will result in a great performance!....

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates Confidence :

Let's talk about it.  Were you surprised?  Why?

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that shows CONFIDENCE. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Try it! 

WES Wildcats that are CONFIDENT
can change the world!

And,  join us over the summer at this link:
PAWsitive Actions YouTube


Talkin' Tuesdays for June 4, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and community care 
about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School!

And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to 
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.

Welcome back to your school community!  I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, June 4, 2019!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school community that cares about YOU!  

For today's Talkin' Tuesday, we have a special feature!  See if you recognize these PAWsome students from Warm Spring Intermediate school !

Check it out!

That was "PAW"some!  Wasn't that so much fun?!?

Remember, if you miss me and Mrs. Sheima this summer, just long on to our school channel, or google us on youtube!

Click here:   Positive Action Youtube Channel

Or here: Daily Community Vlogcast

Stop by our Community Vlogcast and maybe you'll find us out and about in the community over the summertime too!  Who knows????  Keeping in touch is a Positive Action!

WES Wildcats who talk it out 
can change the world!

MOTO Moday, June 3, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Welcome to "PAW"sitive Actions Daily Community Character Vlogcasts!  Today is Monday, June 3, 2019!!! Just look at the sun rising this week on another beautiful new day of learning!

Mrs. Sheima is SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is when we "motor-up" YOUR school week and get ready for more PAWsome days of learning and growing... 

"MOTO Monday!"   
or, "Motovation Monday" where we will see a vlog to get our week "motored-up" with positive thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Our PAWsitive Action "word of the week"is:  COMMUNITY

For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics! 

This week, we will see our school family practice PAWsitive behavior that shows CARING AND COMMUNITY!

Watch today's "MOTO Monday" vlogcast. 

Do YOU know that "the way we think about ourselves controls how happy, healthy, and successful we will be"?  In Positive Actions this year, we are discovering that we each have beautiful, unique characteristics that are all important and valuable to our Wildcat Community, here, at school, and at home.

(If time permits, sing-a-long!):  

Begin every day with Positive Actions:

Get Ready for a POSITIVE school week! 

Wildcats in a
can change the world!
Want to have PAWsitive Actions over the summer? Join us online here:

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Community Wildcats that CARE! May 31, 2019

Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 31, 2019!!  Special for today's Fun Friday, we celebrate our Wildcats about to graduate from the 2nd grade!  

Congratulations Graduates! 

Stay tuned!....We have a fun, special treat for our school family!  Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima want all our PAWsome students to do their best to make the world a better place by doing Positive Actions this summer!  So, coming on our PAWsitive Action Community Vlogcast next week, watch here for our "Golden Rule" remix with some very sweet singers over in Ms. Elmore's third grade!  
Now, for today!...
Join us for a virtual tour around Morgan County for a look at a short film about our most valuable assets:  YOU!  Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima wanted you to know that it will also be a special feature sometime over the summer for a movie preview at the local Star Theater.  So, you may have an opportunity to experience it with your families too! We are so proud of our schools!  Watch "MoCo Rocks!" and look for some friendly faces from our community!

That was PAWsome!  

Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!

Here are a few questions for you:  
1)  Think about someone in your family.  Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2)  Now, think about someone here in our school community.  What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked?  Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3)  And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community.  What Positive Action did you see that person do?  
(Share answers with each other.)

Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


WES Wildcats that are POSITIVE
can change the world!

KINDNESS - May 30, 2019...Raise the Roof...

...on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 30, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word(s):


Mrs. Hott and Ms. Sheima want you all to BE KIND over the summer!  So, we are sharing again a special vlog with a KINDNESS activity.

Tell your teacher what you think the word "KINDNESS" means. 
"a quality of being friendly, generous, considerate"

KINDNESS.  What does "KINDNESS" look like? Have you seen any kindness yet today?   Let's make KINDNESS happen!  Watch this video:

Now, it's YOUR turn.  Here is your "kindness" positive action for today:
First, take a sheet of paper from your Positive Action folder.
Next, trace your hand.
Write the words "KINDNESS MATTERS" in your hand picture.
Decorate, color, make YOUR Kind hand unique...just like YOU!
Finally, your Positive Action today is to give a "kind hand" to someone who needs it!  Think of 
someone YOU can make smile today by sharing KINDNESS.
Give them YOUR kindness matters hand!

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where positive actions start with...


WES Wildcats that are KIND 
can change the world!

Video Vlog Vednesday, May 29, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 29, 2019!  On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring  wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary  School.   

Today's video takes a look at people who are positive when they try to ACHIEVE.  With our student community wrapping up the school year, taking standardized tests, and completing your school work for report cards, many of you may experience frustrations or feelings like "Why do we need to do all this work?" or "What's it all for anyway?"  

But by participating in such activities, whether it be a research project, school academics, creative groups like dance, theater, arts or cheering, to athletics like basketball to soccer, each step we take to explore our CURIOSITY help us to discover what we like and what we are good at doing.  Each of you have a unique gift or talent; and, being curious about the world around you is a POSITIVE ACTION!  So, as you are participating in activities that promote daily ACHIEVEMENTS, you are preparing to have a positive future.

Listen along to today's vlogcast, and see if you can recognize a future with Positive Actions, because when you BELIEVE and TRY to think, act, and feel POSITIVE, you can ACHIEVE goals like the vlog sings about.  Pretty PAWsome stuff like BEing

When we recognize and encourage ACHIEVEMENT in our world, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  And, we also have positive feelings when we ACHIEVE.

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates ACHIEVEMENT :

Let's talk about it.  Were you surprised?  Why?

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that has accomplished an ACHIEVEMENT. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Imagine YOUR possibilities...Try it!  

can change the world!

Talkin' Tuesdays with Ms. Will, May 28, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is TEACHER TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and administrators care 
about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School!

And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to 
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 28, 2019!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school family community that cares about YOU!  

Welcome back after our long weekend!  How was your Memorial Day?  Did you see any American Flags flying yesterday?  I sure did!

As we listen to our school family share their dreams, how hard they worked/studied, when they were little, stories of their life, and how Positive Actions helped them, we learn a little more about each other.  Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.

Here is today's video vlog where we will get to meet Ms. Will, 3rd grade teacher from Warm Springs Intermediate school: 

YOUR student assets are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up.  When we learn more about our teachers and staff, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. 

So, guess what that means?!  Your teachers also want to learn more about YOU too!  For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates.  It is "Talk It Out Time!"  Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our self.

Here is what Mrs. Sheima wants you to do each week.  I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself!  Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us!  Or, we may be completely and crazily different.  And, guess what?!...That is OK!  It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.

So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready?  Here is our discovery question:

"What are your plans for this summer?"

Wait, that's not so hard, right?  Whether you are staying home, hanging out at the town pool, going to summer camp, or away with family, tell your classroom community what you plan to do this summer.  It's a Positive Action to have goals!

I'll go first.  Hi!  My name is Mrs. Sheima.  This summer I have a loooong list of plans!  Here are a few things I will be doing over summer break:
1)  Having fun with friends that hey are coming from Spain!
2)  Finishing Ítaca's first album pictures!
3)  Cleaning my messy house! 
4)  My favourite, going in a Road Trip to Maine to see the Whales!  
5)  Relaxing with friends and family!

Now, it's YOUR turn!  When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us YOUR summer plans!

That was awesome too!  You ALL just did a positive action by sharing something about yourself.  It is positive because it helps us to better understand each other. 

To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher.  Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better?  What is new this week you can tell your teacher?  For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive!  Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc.

In your Positive Action folder, you will find a Talk It Out Tuesday page.  Here, write one thing down you wish your teacher knew about your week.  Sometimes it helps to get our thoughts together when we write it down.  And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, Ms. Maguire, or Mrs. Sheima by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"

Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn positive just by telling or sharing with another person!  It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community.  "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


WES Wildcats who talk it out 
can change the world!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Community Wildcats that...CARE!!! May 24, 2019

Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 24, 2019!! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we will meet a new friend in our community that cares about YOU!  Today, we will meet a super cool friend from Morgan County, WV.  Meet Delegate Daryl Cowles!!

Delegate Cowels grew up in Morgan County, graduated from Berkeley Springs High School, and is now our Delegate in the House in Charleston, WV! In addition to helping our West Virginia communities, he is also the Executive Director of the Morgan County Economic Development Authority.  (That means he is looking out for the future of Morgan County community.)  

Isn't that awesome!  Listen as Delegate Cowles shares the importance of spending time with family to create caring communities.  We even met the youngest member of his family, Ellie!  Spending quality time with loved ones is a Positive Action!
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and mrs Sheima: 

Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!

Here are a few questions for you:  
1)  Think about someone in your family.  Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2)  Now, think about someone here in our school community.  What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked?  Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3)  And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community.  What Positive Action did you see that person do?  
(Share answers with each other.)

Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....



(close with Golden Rule and sing along when ready!)

WES Wildcats that are POSITIVE
can change the world!

May 23, 2019, Raise the Roof....

...on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 23, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:


Tell your teacher what you think the word "COMMUNITY" means. 
"a group of people living in the same place having something in common"

COMMUNITY.  What does "community" look like?  When students feel valued and appreciated by adults in the community, it helps us have positive feelings about not just ourselves, but where we come from and where we want to go.  It is important to also feel a positive part of not just our school community, but also our local and national community too!  

Watch this video:

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where positive actions start with...


WES Wildcats that value COMMUNITY 
can change the world!

Value Vlog Vednesday for May 22, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 22, 2019!  On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary  School.  

Today's video takes a look at a students who are positive when they are CARING.  When we recognize and encourage students to CARE in our world, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  And, we also have positive feelings when we are being CARED for by others.

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates the positive value to CARE :

Let's talk about it.  Were you surprised?  Why?

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that has made an effort to CARE for you. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Try it! And remember this:  "If you can't do it all, you do what you can!"

WES Wildcats who CARE
can change the world!

Talkin' Tuesday with Tally! May 22, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and community care 
about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School!

And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to 
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.

Welcome back to your school community!  I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 22nd!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school community that cares about YOU!  

For today's Talkin' Tuesday, we see Ms. Amber Stotler teacher from our school family at Widmyer Elementary. 

Check it out!

That was "PAW"some!  Thank you!  

Student assets, and positive actions, are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up.  When we learn more about our community, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. 

So, guess what that means?!  Your teachers also want to learn more about YOU too!  For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates.  It is "Talk It Out Time!"  Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our selves.

Here is what Mrs. Sheima wants you to do each week.  I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself!  Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us!  Or, we may be completely and crazily different.  And, guess what?!...That is OK!  It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.

So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready?  Here is our discovery question:

"My favorite thing about school is______!"

Wait, that's not so hard, right?  If so, tell us who is YOUR favorite thing about school.....and, why!

I'll go first.  Hi!  My name is Mrs. Sheima.  My favorite thing about school is Positive Actions!  LOL!  I just LOVE coming to the Positive Action class and seeing you ALL online this year for our Daily Community Vlogcasts!  Remember, if you miss Positive Action this summer, just long on to our school channel, or google us on youtube!

Click here:  Positive Action Youtube Channel

Or here:  Daily Community Vlogcast

Stop by and maybe you'll find us out and about in the community over the summertime too!  Who knows????  Keeping in touch is a Positive Action!

Pretty awesome, right?  Now, it's YOUR turn!  When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us about YOUR favorite thing about school.  Let's discover...

That was awesome too!  You ALL just did a positive action by sharing something about yourself.  It is positive because it helps us to better understand each other. 

To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher.  Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better?  What is new this week you can tell your teacher?  For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive!  Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc.

In your Positive Action folder, you will find a Talk It Out Tuesday page.  Here, write one thing down you wish your teacher knew about your week.  Sometimes it helps to get our thoughts together when we write it down.  And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, Ms. Maguire, or Mrs. Sheima by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"

Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn positive just by telling or sharing with another person!  It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community.  "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....

WES Wildcats who talk it out 
can change the world!

"MOTO MONDAY" for May 20, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Welcome to "PAW"sitive Actions Daily Community Character Vlogcasts!  Today is Monday, May 20, 2019!!! Just look at the sun rising this week on another beautiful new day of learning!

Mrs. Sheima is SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is when we "motor-up" YOUR school week and get ready for more PAWsome days of learning and growing... 
"MOTO Monday!"    
or, "Motovation Monday" where we will see a vlog to get our week "motored-up" with positive thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Our PAWsitive Action "word of the week" is:  


For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics! 

This week, we will see our school family practice PAWsitive behavior that shows CARING AND COMMUNITY!

Watch today's "MOTO Monday" vlogcast. Remember to show kindness to others, be inclusive of ALL, and be KIND to each other, especially when no one is watching, and it is just you with another person...that's INTEGRITY.  

"Kitbull" is a beautiful film about two very different and unlikely friends, who find kindness when they are alone. 

Do YOU know that "the way we think about ourselves controls how happy, healthy, and successful we will be"?  In Positive Actions this year, we are discovering that we each have beautiful, unique characteristics that are all important and valuable to our Wildcat Community, here, at school, and at home.

(If time permits, sing-a-long!):  

Get Ready for a POSITIVE school week! 

Wildcats  that act with
can change the world!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Community Wildcats that CARE! May 17, 2019

Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 17, 2019!! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we will meet a new friend in our community that cares about YOU!  Today, we will meet an amazing team from Morgan County, WV.  Meet Mr. Jacob Buchannon and Mr. Steven Shade!!

Jacob and Steven were Service Technicians for Roy's Garage in Berkeley Springs, WV.  Wait till you see where we got to talk to them!  They said that their customers expect them to always consider the safety of their vehicles on the road and off! Being Safe is a Positive Action!
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima: 

Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!

Here are a few questions for you:  
1)  Think about someone in your family.  Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2)  Now, think about someone here in our school community.  What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked?  Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3)  And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community.  What Positive Action did you see that person do?  
(Share answers with each other.)

Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


(close with Golden Rule and sing along when ready!)

WES Wildcats that are POSITIVE
can change the world!

LOVE - May 16, 2019, Raise the Roof....

...on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 16, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word for the Golden Rule:


Tell your teacher what you think the word "LOVE" means.  
"an intense feeling of deep affection"

LOVE.  What does "LOVE" look like?  If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that with LOVE, we are able to help others.  When we care for others in class, at home, our community, and our world, we are helping to create a positive surrounding.  Serving others with love is a positive Action.  Watch this video:

Think of someone in your community that may need help.  Begin with here in our classroom, what positive action can you do to help a friend?
Now, think of someone at home.  Is there a positive action you can do to help there too?
Finally, what can you do to help make the world a better place?  This is service to others in need.  Anything you consider, no matter how small, when done in LOVE is a Positive Action!

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where positive actions start with...


Wildcats that share LOVE 
can change the world!

LOVE, May 15, 2019, Value Vlog Vednesday!

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 15, 2019!  On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary  School.  

As we wind down our school year, we want you to know that the "good ole GOLDEN RULE" will help you get along at home, school, and out in our community!  Today's video takes a look at a students and a community that are positive when they share LOVE.  When we recognize and encourage LOVE in our world, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  And, we also have positive feelings when we are receiving LOVE too.

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates LOVE :

Let's talk about it.  "It's a Wonderful World" Right?  This video has some pretty wonderful people sharing LOVE!  What do you think makes our world wonderful?  Some wonderful expressions of love we see here are people's actions that follow our "code of conduct" value words.  Can  you name them and if you can notice them in this vlogcast?

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that has made an effort to love you. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Try it! A smile is a great way to begin!
WES wildcats that share LOVE
can change the world!

Talkin' Tuesdays TRUTH for May 14, 2019

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and community care 
about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School!

And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to 
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.

Welcome back to your school community!  I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, May 14, 2019!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school family community that cares about YOU! 

As we listen to our school family share their dreams, how hard they worked/studied, when they were little, stories of their life, and how Positive Actions helped them, we learn a little more about each other.  Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.

Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima where we will get to meet Ms. Tama Hiles, teacher from our Widmyer Elementary school family:  

Student assets, and positive actions, are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up.  When we learn more about our community, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. 

So, guess what that means?!  Your teachers also want to learn more about YOU too!  For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates.  It is "Talk It Out Time!"  Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our selves.

Here is what Mrs. Hott wants you to do each week.  I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself!  Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us!  Or, we may be completely and crazily different.  And, guess what?!...That is OK!  It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.

So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready?  Here is our discovery question:

"My best friend is________?"

Wait, that's not so hard, right?  If so, tell us who is YOUR best friend,... and why.

I'll go first.  Hi!  My name is Mrs. Sheima.  My best friend is Pedro! He is my best friend because we love, care, and respect each other!  Also, he can be pretty funny sometimes, and make me laugh.  We love to do things together; like watch movies, run together, or road trips.  In fact, last summer, Pedro and I went to road trip around the country. This pictures were at Redwood National Park in  California and the second one was in With SAnds National Park New Mexico. It was a wonderful trip!  See.....?

Pedro Miguel at Redwood National Park, California Summer 2017

Pedro and Sheima at White Sans National Park, New Mexico, Summer 2017

Pretty awesome, right?  Now, it's YOUR turn!  When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us about YOUR favorite summer activity.  Let's discover...

That was awesome too!  You ALL just did a positive action by sharing something about yourself.  It is positive because it helps us to better understand each other. 

To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher.  Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better?  What is new this week you can tell your teacher?  For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive!  Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc.

In your Positive Action folder, you will find a Talk It Out Tuesday page.  Here, write one thing down you wish your teacher knew about your week.  Sometimes it helps to get our thoughts together when we write it down.  And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, Ms. Maguire, or Mrs. Sheima by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"

Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn positive just by telling or sharing with another person!  It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community.  "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


WES Wildcats who talk it out 
can change the world!