Saturday, November 24, 2018

COMMUNICATION for Dic. 6, 2018 - Raise the Roof....

...on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dic. 6th! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:


Tell your teacher what you think the word "COMMUNICATION" means.
"successfully and positively conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings"

Communication.  What does "communication" looks like?  If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that communication can be positive -- even in a negative situation!  Watch this video:

"We've all been there... someone does something that angers us and our first reaction is to say words we know we should not. Our reaction can sometimes give a bad example. This message captures a stressful time in traffic when a little girl gives her father a gentle reminder to think before speaking."

Do you use positive "communication" with your classmates?  Tell your teacher of a time when you used positive words to talk to a friend at school. 

What about at home?  Share a time when you used positive communication with a family member...what happened?

What about in your community?  Do you hear positive words when you are out and about?  Share a time that you heard both negative and positive communication.

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where the most important friend is...


Wildcats that use positive COMMUNICATION 
can change the world!

Value Vlog Vednesday - COURTESY on Dic.5, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dic. 5! On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary  School 

Today's video takes a look at a students and adults who are positive when they say PLEASE and THANK YOU.  When we recognize and encourage COURTESY in our world, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates positive actions when they say PLEASE AND THANK YOU:

Let's talk about it.  Were you surprised?  Why?

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that has made an effort to exercise courtesy and say PLEASE and THANK YOU. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Try it! 

WES Wildcats that are COURTEOUS

can change the world!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fun Friday Community wildcats... that CARE!!! - Nov. 30, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, November 30! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we will meet a new friend in our community that cares about YOU! And, we feature friends in our school family showing them talents.

Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima.

We want to share this interview. We hope you enjoy it!  Meet Meet Mrs. Robin Langenstein director from Morgan County Partnership.

Last week we miss friday for the wonderful snow, so if you didn't see this video from our TALENT school here is. 

Watch our Widmyer Elementary School WILDCATS share their TALENT with others:

Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!

Here are a few questions for you:  
1)  Think about someone in your family.  Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2)  Now, think about someone here in our school community.  What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked?  Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3)  And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community.  What Positive Action did you see that person do?  
(Share answers with each other.)

Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


(close with Golden Rule and sing along when ready!)

Wildcats that CARE
can change the world!

Makin' Music Mondays - Nov. 26, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

WELCOME BACK!  Mrs. Sheima is excited to be back at Widmyer Elementary School!  I missed you ALL and hope you had a POSITIVE Thanksgiving Break! 

Today is November 26th!!! I am SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, we will be having "Makin' Music Mondays!" 

Do YOU know that "the way we think about ourselves controls how happy, healthy, and successful we will be"?  In Positive Actions this year, we will discover that we each have beautiful, unique characteristics that are all important and valuable to our Wildcat Community here at school, and at home.

In our Positive Actions classroom time for this week, we will begin our unit on Physical and Intellectual Wellness.  Since we have returned from a loooooong break, we will first work on the Positive Action to EXERCISE    

Yay!  Thanks for listening!  And, if time today, dance again and try to sing along....

Begin every day with Positive Actions:

Get Ready for a POSITIVE school week!

 Wildcat that EXERCISE
can change the world!

Monday, November 19, 2018

NEIGHBORS for Nov. 29, 2018 - Raising the Roof....

on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 29th! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:


Tell your teacher what you think the word "NEIGHBOR" means.
"a person living near or next door"

Neighbors.  What do "neighbors" look like?  If we look with positive hearts, we may discover a neighbor really does care!  Watch this video:

"Sometimes the last thing you want to do for somebody ought to be the first. In "Neighbors," the creators wanted to portray a person who, in many ways, wasn't "deserving" of help. The character of Edna is a grouchy person. Yet the mother has taught her daughter the important lesson that their job as neighbors is to help out, without an expectation that their good gesture would be equally reciprocated."

Think of a "neighbor" in your classroom?  Tell your teacher how you can show them a positive action at school.

Now, think of a "neighbor" at home.  Do you have a neighbor that is cranky, like Edna?  (I do!)  How can you show Positive Actions to others that are not always positive?  Like our good neighbors, some need a little extra PATIENCE.  Share a story about a time when YOU needed to be patience with a friend or neighbor.

Finally, are YOU ever a cranky Edna?  What can we do to share Positive Actions with others?

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where the most important friend is...


Wildcats that are positive NEIGHBORS 
can change the world!

Video Vlog Vednesday - Nov. 28, 2018 - BELIEVE

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 28th! On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary  School 

Today's video takes a look at a students who are positive when they practice BELIEVING in their dreams.  When we recognize and encourage students to BELIEVE in themselves, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  And, we also have positive feelings when others BELIEVE in us.

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates the positive value to BELIEVE :

We all have dreams of what we would like to become someday or something we would like to accomplish in our lifetime. Unfortunately, self-doubt can often take over, keeping us from realizing our dreams. The truth is, with a little hard work and belief in ourselves, anything is possible. "I Believe" by Bon Jovi serves as the perfect backdrop for this message about Believing in Your Dreams... Pass It On.

With the season among us to do those big projects like Science Fair or Social Studies Fair, many students feel overwhelmed.  Positive Action says to "believe" in your idea and study something that interests you.  What were some of the interesting activities you saw in this video? 

Believing in herself and with hard work, the student in the end was successful with her science fair project.  You can be too! 

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Try it! 

WES Wildcats who BELIEVE in themselves
can change the world!

Talkin' Tuesdays - Nov. 27, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is TEACHER TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and administrators care 
about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School!

And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to 
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, November 27th!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school family community that cares about YOU!  

As we listen to our school family share their dreams, how hard they worked/studied, when they were little, stories of their life, and how Positive Actions helped them, we learn a little more about each other.  Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.

Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima where we will get to meet Mrs. A Stotler, 1st grade classroom teacher from our Widmyer Elementary family... LOOK! 

YOUR student assets are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up.  When we learn more about our teachers and staff, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. 

So, guess what that means?!  Your teachers also want to learn more about YOU too!  For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates.  It is "Talk It Out Time!"  Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our self.

Here is what Mrs. Sheima wants you to do each week.  I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself!  Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us!  Or, we may be completely and crazily different.  And, guess what?!...That is OK!  It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.

So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready?  Here is our discovery question:

"Who is your favorite super hero?"

Wait, that's not so hard, right?  But once you have decided who your favorite super hero is, I want you to also include WHY he/she is your favorite.

I'll go first.  Hi!  My name is Mrs. Sheima.  My favorite super hero 
is Captain America! I like Captain America because I personally feel he has positive qualities that represent the USA.  And, because in Spiderman Homecoming, I really thought his segments were both funny and clever.  In fact, when we talk about the Positive Action value word "patience" we will discuss this video.  (And, I will warn you, you will have to "wait" for it!) Check it out:

Hahaha!  That was funny right?  This actually appeared at the end of all the movie credits.  And, it was a real exercise in patience.  

Pretty awesome, right?  Now, it's YOUR turn!  When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us YOUR favorite super hero and why!

That was awesome too!  You ALL just did a positive action by sharing something about yourself.  It is positive because it helps us to better understand each other. 

To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher.  Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better?  What is new this week you can tell your teacher?  For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive!  Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc.

In your Positive Action folder, you will find a Talk It Out Tuesday page.  Here, write one thing down you wish your teacher knew about your week.  Sometimes it helps to get our thoughts together when we write it down.  And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, or Mrs. Sheima by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"

Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn positive just by telling or sharing with another person!  It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community.  "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


Wildcats who TALK IT OUT
can change the world!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fun Friday Community wildcats...that CARE!!! Nov. 16, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, November 16th! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we will meet a new friend in our community that cares about YOU!  Today, we feature friends in our school family showing them talents.

Watch our Widmyer Elementary School WILDCATS share their TALENT with others:

Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!

Here are a few questions for you:  
1)  Think about someone in your family.  Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2)  Now, think about someone here in our school community.  What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked?  Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3)  And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community.  What Positive Action did you see that person do?  
(Share answers with each other.)

Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


(close with Golden Rule and sing along when ready!)

WES Wildcats that share their TALENT

can change the world!

FRIENDSHIP on Nov 15, 2018 - Raise the Roof....

on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 15th! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:

Tell your teacher what you think the word "FRIENDSHIP" means.
"a relationship between friends"

Friendship.  What does "friendship" look like?  Watch this video:

"Set to a song by The Judds, "Love Can Build a Bridge," this vlog represents people with different points of view united by a common bond. They might get together on a regular basis to enjoy each other's similarities and appreciate each other's differences. The bond they share is also a fun one. The setting is outside in a park where this kind of meeting might be more likely to happen - and food is always a good thing to get together over.  Friendship...pass it on!"

What do these friends all have in common?

What are the differences between this group of friends?

It is a Positive Action to be friends, especially with people very different from you!  

For today's morning community vlogcast, Mrs. Sheima wants YOU to find a partner.  Go ahead and do that now.  (And, if there are an odd number of students, it is ok to have three students together.)

Next, with your partner(s), do this:

1)  In your Positive Action folders, use a blank page for today.  Each person in the group will put the names of the students with whom they are doing the exercise.

2)  Make a list of all the things that are DIFFERENT about each other.

3)  Next, make a list of all the things that you have in common.  (Like the three in the video that all like donuts.)

4)  Finally, remember this simple exercise.  And, if you find yourself in conflict with a classmate, sit down and list your likes and differences.

You may be surprised to discover that when you use Positive Actions, classmates can appreciate, or like, different things yet still be friends!

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat community" where the most important friend is...


Wildcats that can show FRIENDSHIP 
can change the world!

GENEROSITY - Value Video Vednesday for Nov. 14, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 14th! On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary  School.  

Today's video takes a look at a students who are positive when they are GENEROUS.  When we recognize and encourage GENEROSITY in our world, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  

Be GENEROUS with your TALENT....YOU!  You are the only YOU there is!  Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates Generosity :

Let's talk about it.  Were you surprised?  Why?

Discuss who showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that shows Generosity. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!  Try it.

WES Wildcats that are GENEROUS
can change the world!

Talkin' Tuesdays - Nov. 13, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is TEACHER TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and administrators care 
about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School!

And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to 
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, November 13th!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school family community that cares about YOU!  

As we listen to our school family share their dreams, how hard they worked/studied, when they were little, stories of their life, and how Positive Actions helped them, we learn a little more about each other.  Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.

Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima where we will get to meet Mrs. Snyder, 2nd grade classroom teacher from our Widmyer Elementary family... LOOK! 

YOUR student assets are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up.  When we learn more about our teachers and staff, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. 

So, guess what that means?!  Your teachers also want to learn more about YOU too!  For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates.  It is "Talk It Out Time!"  Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our self.

Here is what Mrs. Sheima wants you to do each week.  I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself!  Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us!  Or, we may be completely and crazily different.  And, guess what?!...That is OK!  It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.

So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready?  Here is our discovery question:

"What is your favorite book?"

Wait, that's not so hard, right?  But once you have decided what your favorite book is, I want you to also include WHY it is your favorite.

I'll go first.  Hi!  My name is Mrs. Sheima.  My favorite book is Wonder by R.J. Palacio.  I LOVE this book, because it is about a boy who always finds the positive in his, well,... not so positive situation.  Have you read it?  It looks like this:

Image result for image of the book Wonder 

Does that look familiar?  If not, maybe you have heard about the recent movie with Julia Roberts.  She plays the mom in the story, and when I saw the trailer at the movies, well, let's just say Mrs. Sheima needed some tissues.  Take a look:

"You can't blend in when you were born to stand out."
I love that!  Each of you at Widmyer Elementary School are born to stand out are WONDERfully made!  

Pretty awesome, right?  Now, it's YOUR turn!  When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us YOUR favorite book and why!

That was awesome too!  You ALL just did a positive action by sharing something about yourself.  It is positive because it helps us to better understand each other. 

To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher.  Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better?  What is new this week you can tell your teacher?  For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive!  Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc.

In your Positive Action folder, you will find a Talk It Out Tuesday page.  Here, write one thing down you wish your teacher knew about your week.  Sometimes it helps to get our thoughts together when we write it down.  And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, or Mrs. Sheima by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"

Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn positive just by telling or sharing with another person!  It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community.  "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


Wildcats who TALK IT OUT
can change the world!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Fun Friday Community wildcats...that CARE!!! Nov. 9 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Widmyer Elementary School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 9th! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we will meet a new friend in our community that cares about YOU! 

And Mrs. Hott wants to share this interview that she made for Warm Springs intermediate School. We hope you enjoy it!  Meet Ms. Jan Didawick.  Ms. Didawick is a resident of Morgan County and a very active Positive Action citizen of the community!

Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott: 

Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!

Here are a few questions for you:  
1)  Think about someone in your family.  Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2)  Now, think about someone here in our school community.  What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked?  Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3)  And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community.  What Positive Action did you see that person do?  
(Share answers with each other.)

Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....


(close with Golden Rule and sing along when ready!)

WES Wildcats that CARE
can save the world!

FAMILY for Nov. 8, 2018 - Raising the Roof....

on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 8th! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:


Tell your teacher what you think the word "FAMILY means.
"a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household"

Family.  What does "family" look like?  Watch this video:

"A call from a child in the middle of a busy day at work can be awkward. But calling your father between periods during a hockey game—well, it could be embarrassing especially if the request is for a bedtime nursery rhyme. Our father in this case obliges his young daughter. A moment made even more charming by the great song "Do You Believe In Magic" underscoring the fact that love isn't always convenient, but is appreciated forever. Love... Pass It On."

Each person student in this school is unique, right?  That means that each one of YOU have a unique FAMILY too.  Families come in all sizes and can include aunts, uncles, cousins, friends,...and neighbors!  In today's video, we see a dad making important time to talk to his daughter!

How did this dad show his daughter love and support?  
What about the team?  How did they show love and support? (sometimes love can be positive teasing which shows support too)

Think about your FAMILY at home.  Some days are probably more positive than others, right?  What is just one positive action you can share about your family with a classmate? 

And remember, it is also important to know that here at Widmyer Elementary School, we are all part of a "wildcat family" where the most important family member is...


The WES Wildcat FAMILY 
can change the world!

SPORTSMANSHIP for Nov 7, 2018 - Value Video Vednesday

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 5th! On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video "Vednesdays" when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring wildcat community of students at Widmyer Elementary School.

Today's video takes a look at a students who are positive when they practice SPORTSMANSHIP.  When we are using SPORTSMANSHIP, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.  

Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who illustrates SPORTSMANSHIP:

Let's talk about it.  Were you surprised?  Why?

Discuss which student showed a Positive Thought?

Who shows a Positive Action?

What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?

Now, think of a person who you know that has made an effort to show positive SPORTSMANSHIP. What did he/she do? 

Today, Mrs. Sheima wants you to do a Positive Action too!

WES Wildcats that show SPORTSMANSHIP
can change the world!!!

Makin' Music Mondays - Nov. 5, 2018

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Welcome to Positive Actions Community Character Vlogs!  Today is November 5th!!! Mrs. Sheima is SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, we will be having "Makin' Music Mondays!" 

Do YOU know that "the way we think about ourselves controls how happy, healthy, and successful we will be"?  In Positive Actions this year, we will discover that we each have beautiful, unique characteristics and DREAMS that are all important and valuable to our Wildcat Community here at school, and at home.

On our vlogcasts, since this time of year we will look at SPORTSMANSHIP.   Did YOU know that our classrooms are much like a team?  Just by coming to school, you are part of a learning team, or as Mrs. Sheima loves to suggest... a "FAMILY" at school where our goals are to work hard and try to do our best!

In our Positive Actions classroom for this week, we will continue to build positive self-concepts while looking at our VALUE, IMPORTANCE, and TALENTS that generate our personal HAPPINESS.    

Yay!  Thanks for listening!  And, if time today, dance again and try to sing along....

Begin every day with Positive Actions:

Get Ready for a POSITIVE school week!

Our Wildcat FAMILY that shows Positive
can change the world!